Why You Should Move Abroad At Least Once
You know those people that live in their hometowns their whole lives? Yeah, I am not one of them. And I don’t think you should be either.
on my spring break trip to Nice, France
Now, I am not saying you need to move away and stay away forever, but don’t we all know that distance makes the heart grow fonder? With some time away from the only place you really know, maybe you will return with greater appreciation for your home. Or maybe you won’t want to return. But you can only find out one way.
Here’s some reasons why you should move abroad…
Moving abroad is good for you
You should move abroad because the you that has explored different parts of the world is better than the you that has stayed in the same corner of the world forever. Moving abroad to me is like exercising or eating your veggies: you are healthier for it, you feel better after, and you might even want to continue doing it because you like it and it makes your feel better. Moving abroad will impact you, likely in positive ways, by making your stronger and more flexible. When or if you return home, you will return a more well developed person.
on a hike in Valencia, Spain
You will discover different sides of yourself
While so many people think moving abroad is just to explore a different country, learn a language, or escape your life at home, it is actually a way to learn more about yourself and grow beyond what you ever thought you could be. When you leave your culture and comfort zone, of course different parts of you start to peak out. Maybe you will find you are more courageous, outgoing, funny, or laid back then you ever thought you could be.
For example, prior to moving abroad I never thought I could be risky and adventurous, I had always been a more scared and guarded person, but moving abroad has made me grow into a more flexible and spontaneous person. Two years ago I would never have booked a flight to a city I had never heard of, while out drinking at night. Now I’ve done that a few times and it has always led to a fun and spontaneous trip that I remember fondly.
While you may think you know yourself well, you may just know yourself when you’re at home. Getting to know yourself when you are away from your comforts and culture is really exciting and rewarding.
Discover what you are truly capable of
When you move abroad you are stripped of your own culture surrounding you, and you start to learn what parts of you are actually you and what parts are just your home and culture. You may think you really are timely or really dependent or anything else that you previously identified with. Living abroad in a culture completely different will begin to teach you new things about yourself. Maybe you can be chill. Maybe you can be completely independent. Maybe you are able of so much more than you ever expected.
from a weekend trip to Vienna, Austria
Taking a risk is good for you
So many people live in such bubbles of comfort in their home countries they feel like they never have to take a risk. When you move abroad you are forced to take risks almost daily. Even small ones. Approaching a new person to find friends? A must. Asking for something in a new language? I do it everyday. Booking a flight to a new country cause why not? I’ve done it a few times.
Taking risks is like exercise, it becomes easier the more you do it. And with time, you get stronger and healthier for it.
Meet people from all different cultures
This one is obvious yet one of the most important because the people around you really impact you. When you are only around people from your own culture, you never get the possibility to truly have friends from all different backgrounds and experiences. Moving abroad of course means you will meet people from the country you choose, but it’s also means you will be connected to a network of internationals from all over the world.
When I moved to Spain, I of course met plenty of Spanish people, but I also met a bunch of people from the UK, France, The Netherlands, Australia, the Philippines, and much more. Meeting people and making friends from all around is one of the best parts about living abroad. It also means you’ll ave plenty of people and places to visit.
Take the leap
Have I convinced you that you should make the move abroad? I hope so because I truly believe that moving abroad will do all that I mentioned for you and more.