Why I Moved to Valencia, Spain


Moving to Valencia, Spain as an American was not easy, but it was a great choice for me, and maybe for you too! I decided to move here for a few reasons that I will list below so you can see if Valencia is the right city for you.

  1. The Weather.

    In Valencia it is sunny and warm most of the year. And when it's not warm, it's still not too cold. Personally, I grew up i a very rainy and grey place, so it has been wonderful to get to experience the sun for most of the year.

  2. Cost of Living

    Valencia is pretty darn cheap, at least compared to what I am used to. You can rent a room in a flat starting at 200 euros. For your own place you can get a studio starting at 500 euros. Eating out doesn't break the bank. Healthcare is either free or cheap ( depends on your citizenship or work status). Free activities are all around (parks, museums, beach, hiking). The public transport is great and the city is super walkable and bike friendly.

  3. Location

    Valencia is at a great spot in Spain. Connected to Madrid and Barcelona via fast trains. On the Mediterranean surrounded by beautiful pueblos and beaches. Hundreds of hiking routes accessible via train or bus. Valencia has an airport that flies to cities all over Europe. Overall the location and accessibility of Valencia is great for travel and adventure.


4. Size

Valencia is the third largest city in Spain with about 800,000 people in the city, and 1.5 million with the neighboring towns. This means that its not a huge bustling city like Barcelona or Madrid, but it is still a big city with plenty to do. You won't run out out of restaurants to visit but you may still run into your friends occasionally.

5. Culture

Valencian culture is so rich and interesting and it works really well for people who want a great work/life balance. Of course we have siesta here when stores close from about 2-5pm and people go home and eat lunch and relax. The pace of life generally here is a lot slower than most countries. People really do work to live rather than live to work. Everyday people are out to dinner with friends, in the park on a stroll, at the beach enjoying the sun, and generally enjoying their lives.

Have I convinced you to move to Valencia?

It truly is a great place to live. I have met great people, eaten at wonderful restaurants, gone on beautiful hikes, and enjoyed my life.


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