Mission for A Rich Woman’s World

talking about money and building our wealth so we can live our best lives.

Recognizing Privilege

I come from a financially privileged background. I grew up with a professor dad with tenure (lucky & very stable income) and a mom who did a bunch of stuff and knew her money. I’m white and have grown up in well off suburbs of Portland, OR. While I’ve had other struggles, they have yet to be severe financial ones. I want to use my privileged background to teach other young people about how to build their wealth because I know the power of it.


Financial Feminism

Financial feminism has many definitions- but here is mine. Our economy and world are built for white men to profit off of the labor of women, people of color, and poor people. We need to change that. Women making money is not going to solve the problem, especially the narratives of lone rich women succeeding despite obstacles. We need to address the systemic issues facing women and people of color in our economy. This means universal healthcare, fair and equal pay, free childcare, and more. Financial feminism means we need to start all over again and make a system that benefits all equally. I know that is not happening any time soon, so I will start with educating people on how to make money and use it effectively so they can thrive. Women making money and building wealth is also a great way to start.

Money & Capitalism

I am not the biggest fan of capitalism. Especially in America where capitalism means sickness is financial bankruptcy. Even though I would much prefer (and will continue to advocate for) living in a more socialist/equal nation, I think we can agree that is not happening any time soon. To do anything in our world requires money, especially the really fun and liberating things. I want us all to reach our financial goals so we can have more options and be more secure. The amount to get there is relative for everyone, but everyone needs money.


No More Gate Keeping

The financial world is not a transparent one, rather one where deals are made behind closed doors and to succeed you need money and connections. At A Rich Woman’s World, we share our knowledge and tips to succeed financially without barriers. Personal finance is not winner take all, we can all share our knowledge and all move towards our financial goals. The more we share, the quicker we all get there.